Zoom Prayer Rooms
Would you like to receive personal, confidential prayer from a small team of OSL trained prayer ministers?
We would love to pray with you, and we are so glad that you are here!
To schedule an appointment, please go to our Sign Up Genius Scheduling system here:
Prayer sessions are generally 45 minutes long.

~Enter Zoom Prayer Rooms~
By clicking to join the Zoom Prayer Rooms, you agree to the disclaimer included at the bottom of this webpage.
Join the Zoom Prayer Room: Click Here
You will first be welcomed by a pair of volunteers. Then you will move into a Zoom Breakout Room where a team of approximately 3 volunteer prayer ministers will be waiting to pray with you.
Technical Difficulties?
Having technical issues with your appointment or getting into the Zoom? Please fill out this form:
Click here: Form Link – Technical Issues with the Zoom Prayer Rooms
If you are unable to see the calendar below, please go to our scheduling link at the top of this website to see upcoming prayer room dates & times.
~share your feedback~
We are honored that you chose to receive prayer in our Zoom Prayer Rooms.
We appreciate any feedback. Thank you!
Click Here: Share your Feedback
~share your praise report!~
We love hearing your stories of healing from the prayer rooms! Please click below to share your healing testimony.
Click Here: Share your Feedback
~other ways to receive prayer~
Leave a written prayer request
Check out our calendar of online healing prayer services
Various OSL Healing Communities offer opportunities, including Facebook livestream services,
Zoom services, formal healing services, and times of soaking prayer.
Sign up for upcoming healing conferences and workshops with OSL.
~love offerings~
OSL is a non-profit organization, and all prayer ministers are volunteers. We are grateful for any donations.
Calling cards for the Online Center for Healing Prayer!
They may be printed two-sided and cut out to share with others.
Client Informed Consent/Disclaimer
OSL Online Center for Healing Prayer
A Ministry of OSL (The International Order of St Luke the Physician)
I am requesting a prayer ministry session via the OSL Online Center for Healing Prayer (OCHP).
I understand that the OCHP utilizes volunteer prayer ministers who have been deemed qualified by the OCHP and are under the authority of the leadership of the OCHP and that this service is being provided free of charge. The prayer session will be conducted with mutual respect and kindness towards all parties involved.
I understand that this appointment is a prayer ministry session and not a counseling or therapeutic session.
I understand that the prayer ministry session may not immediately take place and may have to be scheduled at a later time recognizing the availability of all parties involved.
I understand that all personal information provided before and during the prayer ministry session is confidential and will not be shared unless the prayer ministry team deems that there is a risk to my life or health or risk to the life or health of others by not disclosing such information.
If in the judgment of the ministry team such risk exists, then I give the OCHP permission to contact the appropriate authorities with any relevant information that I have divulged.
I agree to hold harmless the OCHP and OSL, including their prayer ministers, intercessors, volunteers, and employees, from any and all liability that may result from receiving prayer ministry via the OCHP.
The OCHP and OSL use a variety of programs, such as Zoom, Google, WordPress, and Sign Up Genius, which are separate entities from the OCHP and OSL. Please see their respective privacy policies. I agree to hold harmless the OCHP and OSL, including their prayer ministers, intercessors, volunteers, and employees, from any and all liability that may result from the use of these programs.
I attest that I am 18 years or over.
I will give my full attention during the prayer session and agree not to join while driving.
I have read and understand the foregoing information, which is printed in English. This is the language that I read and understand.